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beauty and care


As we age, the collagen and elastin in our skin’s connective tissue weaken, resulting in a gradual loss of skin elasticity. This can lead to various problems like skin wrinkling and sagging. This is due to a reduction of antioxidants in our bodies. It is usually seen on the face, throat, and hands. When you see lined or creased skin on the sensitive areas around the corners of the eyes and lips, you will know that you are experiencing wrinkles. Although some creases are temporary, these creases can become permanent if not taken care of immediately. So

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Hello! I am Jolly

I have 5 years of experience in beauty and care industry and i am working in this industry since 2019...I train many girls on this beauty and care. I also write about it in newspapers sometimes and I have a lot of listeners and followers. I created "Care Passioner" to help you take proper care of your own body. Where will be written about proper skin care tips & tricks and all information to the best of my knowledge. So let's go! Join us today and focus on the proper care of your body!