The neck is an open part of our body. Most of the time our necks are open. Many of us get dark spots on our necks due to exposure to the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays or neglect in most cases. While every other part of the body is taken care of daily, the neck is rarely taken care of. Sometimes the color of the entire neck becomes black. Due to this, the hair does not stop as desired. Even with a pony tail, the black part of the neck looks awkward from the back. You like to wear clothes with a slightly big neck, but are shy to go out. Because of the black spots on the neck. It is one of the skin related problems of many men and women. Because of the extra dark spots on the neck, many times you have to go to many places and suffer from discomfort.

So today I will tell you some ways to remove dark spots on the neck. So let’s see how to get rid of dark spots on the neck with some packs.


Ways to remove dark spots on the neck


1. Aloe vera

You know that aloe vera is a gift for almost all skin problems! When aloe vera is used on the neck, it not only acts as a natural skin lightener, but also improves skin texture. Basically, aloe vera is rich in anti-oxidants which helps in regeneration of new skin.

How to use

Scoop out all the gel from an aloe vera leaf with a spoon. Then massage the gel around your neck with your fingers and let it dry for 15-20 minutes. When dry, rinse thoroughly with cold water. Use it 1/2 times a week.


2. Cucumber

Cucumber is a cooling vegetable that soothes the skin and helps keep the body cool. After using it, the dead skin cells are removed and the skin becomes brighter and smoother.

How to use

Cut a small cucumber and paste it in a blender. Add a few drops of lemon juice to it and you can also add honey if you want. Now apply the mixture on the neck and neck for 10 minutes. Then wash with normal water. You can use this pack after 2/3 days.


3. Oats

Oats are a very healthy and nutritious food for the body. If you use oats regularly, you can get rid of dark spots on the neck very quickly.

How to use

Grind 1 tablespoon of oats. Add 1 tablespoon of raw milk and 1 tablespoon of honey to it. Mix all and make a smooth paste. Now apply this paste on the neck for 20-30 minutes. Then wash it off with lukewarm water when it dries well. It will help to heal dark spots very quickly.


4. Nuts

Almonds are very good food for brain and skin. It also works well in skin care, especially almonds are great for treating dark spots. It is rich in vitamins and the oil in it can remove any skin blemishes very easily.

How to use

Soak a handful of almonds in water overnight. In the morning grind the almonds to a paste with a little water. Now apply this paste on the black part of the neck for 20-25 minutes and then wash it off with cold water.


5. Lemon juice

Lemon juice acts as a natural bleaching agent. It brightens the skin from within by removing dark spots and blemishes. So we can use lemon juice to remove dark spots on the neck. Not so!

How to use

Squeeze 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and add one tablespoon of rose water to it. Apply the mixture on the neck and let it dry for 25-30 minutes. Then wash with cold water and apply moisturizer. You will get good results if you use this mixture 2/3 days a week.


6. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is very effective in skin care. As a result, the pH balance of the skin is maintained. You can also rely on this natural ingredient to remove blemishes on the neck.

How to use

Make a mixture by mixing two tablespoons of vinegar with four tablespoons of water. After that massage the neck well. Do it three to four days a week and you will get benefit.


7. Baking soda

Make a mixture by mixing three to four spoons of baking soda in little water. After that apply the mixture on the neck. Use a few days a week to get rid of neck scars. But don’t forget to use moisturizer on the neck after using baking soda.


8. Potatoes

Surely you know about the many benefits of potatoes! Did you know that it can also be used as a pack for your skin care! Did you know that this potato can help you get rid of dark spots on your neck? Apply potato paste daily to remove dark spots on the neck. Then wash off when dry. Potatoes have natural bridges. It helps in removing all types of skin blemishes.


9.Gram Flour

Gram flour is a very effective ingredient in removing dark spots on the neck. Make a pack with some gram flour and honey. Now put that pack on your neck well. Wait until dry. Then wash it off. Besides, you will get benefits if you mix lemon and honey together and use it like this.


10. Sour yogurt

Many have heard that sour yogurt is good for your digestion! This same ingredient is equally effective for your skin and hair care. The use of sour yogurt in cosmetic work is very popular. If you have dark spots on your neck, you can use sour curd. But mix an equal amount of Multani soil with it. Then put that pack on the neck and wait for twenty minutes. When dry, wash with water. It will remove the dark spots on the neck quickly.


Last word

So you know how we can take care of our neglected neck with some simple ingredients that we have at hand. So without further delay, start taking care of your neck according to the ways that I told you to use the packs today.


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