After returning home at the end of the day, a face massage with ice cubes will instantly remove the tiredness, right! Ice cubes have some amazing benefits in skincare that many of us don’t know about! In addition to using regular skincare products, you can rub ice cubes on your neck and face area once a day. Today’s feature is about the use of ice cubes in beauty solutions.

You must have heard the term ‘ice facial’! This ice facial is a very hyped Korean beauty trend. Water helps flush out toxins from the body. Ice cubes also do the same and help keep our skin clean. It improves blood circulation while bringing instant refreshment to the skin. In today’s article we are going to know the ways in which you can use ice cubes in skincare.


1. To remove acne

Acne is very normal for oily skin. Ice massage can be an amazing option to get rid of acne overnight. Those struggling with painful acne can try ice cubes.


2. In skin exfoliation

Exfoliation is very important in weekly skincare. In this case if you use a milk ice cube then it will exfoliate your skin naturally. Milk contains lactic acid that will remove dead skin cells and cleanse the skin from within to restore brightness.


3. To give a soothing effect on the skin

We all know how the condition of the skin is due to dust, sun, and pollution. At the end of the day, the skin also needs proper relaxation. Ice cubes work like magic in this case. Make ice cubes with cucumber juice and aloe vera gel, just rub it when you get home. Apart from soothing and cooling effects on the skin, this cube will also remove suntan.


4. To increase product absorption

Ice helps skin care products absorb better into the skin. For example, if you apply a night cream or a serum on your skin, and rub ice with it, it will create a pooling effect and help absorb the product.


5. To balance skin oil production

No one likes excess oiliness of the skin! Ice massage brings freshness to the skin by controlling oil production and greasiness. Reduces visibility of open pores, keeps pores tight. In this case, you can make ice cubes by mixing cucumber juice, little lemon juice and rose water. If you come from outside and rub your skin this summer, you will get a lot of comfort. But you can skip lemon juice if you don’t like vitamin C.


6. To remove dark circles and puffiness

You can use ice cubes to remove eye puffiness and dark circles. For example, Cucumber Cube made with cucumber juice, Potato Cube made with potato juice or Tea Cube made with tea liquor are very effective. Try it today.


7. Make makeup long lasting

Face sweats a little more on hot days, due to which the makeup look is not long lasting! And for those who have oily skin, this problem is more. Ice works great in solving this problem! Rub ice on a thin cloth or tissue before applying makeup. It will control the oil production of the face and the beige makeup will be long lasting.


Last word

A small piece of ice solves many problems with our skin every day, right? But note one thing, it is better to rub ice by twisting it in a thin cloth or cotton pad or tissue so that ice does not burn.


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