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We are all very confused about the toner step in skincare, right? Many people say that there is no need to use toner. But is it really not necessary to use toner in skincare? Let’s have a detailed discussion about toner.

Why is Toner Necessary in Skincare?

The main function of toner is to balance the pH of the skin. But what is this pH? The measure of acidic or alkaline skin is called pH (Potential of Hydrogen). This pH is measured on a scale of 0-14. The pH level of sebum in human skin is usually between 4.5 and 5.5, which is acidic according to the pH scale. This natural skin acidity protects the skin from fungus and bacteria, and the health of our skin depends on this pH balance.

How Does the pH Level of the Skin Increase or Decrease?

When we cleanse the skin with cleansers, our skin moves up from that natural pH. Consider, if your skin’s pH level is 8 after you use a cleanser, then your skin went to the alkaline stage. Alkaline can cause skin dryness, sensitivity, and redness. Even premature aging can cause problems like wrinkles.

Think again, you used a clay mask, after which the pH level of the skin became 3.5, then your skin went to the acidic stage. And as a result of the skin becoming acidic, skin problems like pimples, redness, and inflammation can occur.

How is pH Balanced?

One thing we all know is that our skin has the ability to repair itself. When the pH level of the skin increases or decreases after using a cleanser or clay mask on our skin, it is not the case that the pH level does not return to the previous place (4.5 to 5.5). Our skin’s pH returns to normal levels on its own, but it takes time. This time may be 1 to 1.5 hours and as we grow older this time will increase.

But we use cream or moisturizer shortly after using a cleanser or clay mask. When a cream or moisturizer is formulated, it is formulated for a normal pH (4.5 to 5.5). So when we are using that cream when our skin is alkaline or acidic, then it is not possible to get proper benefits from that product.

What Does Face Toner Do in Skincare?

We have to clean the skin, right? If the skin is not cleaned well, various problems will appear on the skin. So the skin must be kept clean. And leave it to the toner to correct the pH imbalance of the skin. Using a toner brings our skin’s pH back to its natural balance, which is between 4.5 and 5.5.

Toners do a lot more than correcting the skin’s pH balance. Let’s find out about them.

Other Benefits of Toner in Skincare:

1. Toner acts as the third step in cleansing the skin. Yes, you read that right! After double cleansing, if there is any makeup or dirt left on our skin, the toner cleans it.

2. Toner prepares our skin so that the serums or moisturizers we use for skincare can blend very well into the skin.

3. It controls excess sebum on the skin. As a result, the shape of the pores appears relatively small.

4. Many times the skin feels reddened or irritated as a result of wearing too much makeup or walking outside. Toner is a very effective step to solve such skin problems because toners have a soothing effect on the skin, which helps reduce skin irritation.

5. Different toners do different things to the skin depending on the ingredients, like reducing dryness, pimples, or dehydration problems, etc.

How to Skip Toner in Skincare

For skincare, you can skip the toner if the cleanser you use is pH balanced. There are many types of cleansers available in the market now that have a pH balance (5.5). But pH balanced cleansers tend to cost a bit more, which not everyone can afford. So if you are using a pH balanced cleanser, you can skip the toner. But in that case, you will not get the rest of the benefits of the toner mentioned above.

Selection of Toner According to Skin Type

Different toners are available in the market according to skin type.

  • Toners with hydrating formulas are usually for normal to dry skin.
  • Toners that are tea tree oil, salicylic acid, or green tea-based work best for oily and acne-prone skin.
  • If you don’t want to spend a lot of money on a toner, you can use pure rose water as a toner.

When to Use Toner

The most important step in skincare is cleansing. After this, toner should be used. You can use toner in two ways:

1. Apply toner with a cotton pad.

2. Apply toner on the skin with clean hands. In this case, it should be remembered that the hands should be completely clean. Otherwise, dirt/germs from hands can stick to the face and cause many skin problems.

Toners are now available in spray bottles in the market. They are easier to use. Spray 2-3 times after cleansing to balance the skin’s pH. After 30-40 seconds of toner application, the next steps of skincare such as serum and moisturizer should be applied.

This is how important toner is in skincare. Hopefully, I have cleared up all the confusion about second step toners in skincare today.

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