Many people are not well aware that the beauty of the skin can be increased by consuming healthy food. That is our discussion today.

Think about it. You follow various methods to keep your skin healthy. Take care of the skin. But you know, just using expensive products doesn’t cut it. Rather, you need to keep an eye on your diet. For example, it is important to know which foods are good for your skin.

You can easily catch the changes in your skin by eating healthy. Because there are some superfoods that, if added to your regular diet, will keep your skin healthy and also brighten your face. So let’s learn about some of these foods!

1. Almond

Almond or almond oil is very good for skin. And for that almond oil is used on the skin. This almond is also used in various skin products. Doctors advise keeping almonds in the diet to keep the body healthy. But almonds also play an important role in keeping the skin healthy.

If your body is healthy, it will affect your skin as well. These almonds nourish the skin And thus protects your skin from sun damage. It contains a lot of vitamin E. Which helps to keep your skin taut and glow.

2. Citrus fruit

You can keep citrus fruits in your diet. Citrus fruits are rich in vitamin-C. Which helps to meet the deficiency of vitamin-C in our body.

Vitamin-C plays an important role in increasing the brightness of the skin. Oranges and lemons are rich in vitamin-C. which keeps your skin soft. Helps to keep the skin taut.

3. Tomato

Tomatoes are rich in vitamin-C. Which helps to keep your skin healthy. So many people apply tomatoes directly on the skin. But there are some ingredients in tomatoes, which can keep your skin healthy. So you can keep tomatoes in your diet.

Studies have shown that it protects your skin from the harmful effects of sunlight. But the sun causes serious damage to the skin. The skin gets worse. It begins to show signs of age easily. You have to face many more problems. This tomato keeps the skin pigment cells healthy. Tomatoes contain a substance called lycopene. which protects our skin from the effects of sunlight and damage to pigment cells. And the effect of sunlight, the loss of pigment cells is actually one of the main causes of skin aging. So it is necessary to add tomatoes to the regular diet chart to keep the skin supple.

4. Green tea

Several studies have highlighted the benefits of green tea. And this green tea is really good for your skin. Green tea contains a polyphenol called epigallocatechin gallate. Green tea is also rich in antioxidants. Which is good for our health. Green tea also helps in eliminating problems like skin cancer.

You can consume at least 1 to 3 cups of green tea daily. Several studies claim that many problems of the body can be solved only then. It also affects your skin.

5. Carrot

You can use this carrot to keep your skin healthy. It is possible to maintain good skin even by eating only carrots. Carrots are very good for your skin. Carrots are rich in beta-carotene. Which is a type of anti-oxidant. It keeps your skin healthy.

Carrots also contain vitamin-A. It helps protect your skin from UV rays. Also helps in reducing skin dryness. So you can add carrots to your regular diet to keep your skin healthy.

6. Low-fat dairy products

Eat foods that are low in fat and dairy products. If you eat low-fat yogurt, the requirement of vitamin-A is met. Vitamin-A helps in the production of skin cells. Moreover, curd contains acidophilus which helps in digestion If the food is digested easily, balanced distribution of nutrients in the body is ensured.

7. Foods rich in anti-oxidants

Anti-oxidants also play an important role in keeping the skin healthy. Just as you should use antioxidant-rich skincare products on your skin, you should also eat antioxidant-rich foods. You can eat broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower. Antioxidants can be found in tomatoes, strawberries or many other fruits. Anti-oxidants heal damaged skin cells and help keep skin clear by treating acne.

Also can eat some other food. They will help make your skin glow.
Apples, onions, tea and red wine can be eaten in small quantities. These foods will help in maintaining skin hydration.

8. Sour yogurt

We all use sour yoghurt in a face pack or hair pack. In fact, this yogurt is really good for the skin. But did you know, eating sour yogurt is good for your skin! Really so. Your skin is good even if you eat sour yogurt.

To get smooth and blemish-free skin, you must include sour yogurt in your diet. Sour yogurt contains probiotics. Which is good for your health. And if the body is good, it will have an effect on your skin.

9. Water

Drinking water regularly keeps the skin moist. Water transports nutrients to cells and flushes out toxins from the body easily. You need to drink plenty of fluids to prevent you from becoming dehydrated. Drink 6 to 8 glasses daily. Also drinking more water leads to sweating which keeps the skin healthy.

10. Fatty acid

Marine fish is one of the foods rich in fatty acids. Essentially, fatty acids keep skin membrane cells healthy. Helps maintain skin moisture. As a result, the moisture of the skin increases. So you can add fatty acids to your diet for healthy skin.

Now I will talk about some tips. Which if followed in your regular diet will help a lot to keep the skin as well as the body healthy.

1. Eat fish regularly

Fish is a very good source of protein and contains many vitamins and minerals. Make it a habit to eat fish at least twice a week, with one serving of oily fish. Oily fish are high in omega-3 fats, which may help prevent heart disease in our body.

2. Do not skip breakfast

Some people skip breakfast because they think it will help them lose weight easily. But this is not true at all. Make it a habit to eat breakfast regularly.

3. Saturated fat

You need some fat in your diet, but it’s important to pay attention to the amount of fat you eat. On average, men should consume no more than 30 grams of saturated fat per day and women no more than 20 grams per day. Children under 11 should eat less saturated fat than adults.

4. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables

Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables. whether They are fresh, frozen, canned, dried or juiced. However, eating a fruit and vegetable diet improves the skin a lot.

5. Precautions in taking salt

Eating too much salt can raise your blood pressure gradually. People with blood pressure are more likely to develop heart disease or have a stroke. Adults and children 11 years of age and older should consume no more than 6 grams of salt (about one teaspoon) a day. Small children should eat less.

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