Coming home after being out all day is the most comforting thing when we wash our face with a cleanser. It feels very fresh to me. All the dirt, oil, makeup, sweat of the day is cleaned. As a result, the skin can breathe well. If you are at home, you wash your face twice in the morning and at night. Different brands of cleansers are available in the market. But many of us do not know about the different types of cleansers!
First you need to understand which cleanser is right for you. Because there are different formulations and types of cleansers. Cleansing is an essential step in regular skin care. So it is very important to understand when and which cleanser should be used on which skin type. Today’s article is about the different types of cleansers. Let’s find out how to choose the right cleanser for your skin.


Different types of cleansers

As there are many types of cleansers in the market and their functions, formulas are all different from one to another. So if we know about the different types of cleansers, then you can easily understand which product is perfect for you! I will try to give a basic idea about this today.


1. Gel cleanser

Gel cleansers are clear or transparent in appearance and have a gel type consistency. It is water based and made from mild ingredients like flower and fruit extract. You can use a gel-based cleanser after coming outside to give the skin a deep cleaning and refreshing effect or after removing makeup.

Benefits of gel cleansers

These cleansers remove excess oil and dirt to give a fresh look. Removes acne-causing bacteria and works very well to clear the problem of clogged pores. People with oily skin and acne problems can use this type of cleanser. Because it brings instant freshness to the skin.


2. Cream cleanser

Cream cleansers are very creamy in appearance. These types of cleansers are very mild for the skin. Many prefer to massage the face with a thick creamy texture face wash or cleanser. Also, anyone can use this cream cleanser after an oil-based cleanser for double cleansing while removing makeup. Know its main features and benefits.

Benefits of Cream Cleanser

Cream cleanser gently cleanses our skin and does not remove the skin’s natural oils, so the skin remains soft and moisturized
Those with normal to dry skin can safely use cream based cleansers


3. Foam cleanser

A foam cleanser is a combination of gel and cream cleansers. Rich foam is formed during its use. I love foam cleansers. Many times, when pumped from the bottle, foam comes out which has to be massaged on the face. Check out its features.

Benefits of Foam Cleanser

This cleanser deeply cleans the skin. But access does not dry up. It helps to clean the face properly after using a makeup remover.
Face looks fresh and clean if you use a foam cleanser in the morning.


4. Clay based cleanser

Clay based cleansers or masks have been used by more or less of us. Especially those with oily skin, are quite familiar with it. Because clay cleansers help remove excess oil from the skin. Let’s take a look at the benefits of mineral and clay based cleansers.

Benefits of Clay Based Cleansers

Clay based cleansers absorb extra oil from the skin. Removes skin toxins by purifying pores and it is very suitable for oily and combination skin. It does not contain harsh chemicals, so it is also good for sensitive skin.


5. Oil cleanser

Oil cleansers prevent clogged pores and remove waterproof makeup without drying out skin. Oil cleansers are mainly used to remove sunscreen and makeup and can be used on any skin type. The first step of double cleansing is to use an oil-based cleanser. Then wash the face well with a foam, cream or gel cleanser. It is called double cleansing because it is being cleansed twice.


6. Micellar water

It works like an oil cleanser. Micellar water is basically “micelles” or tiny oil molecules, mixed into a soft cleansing water. It helps to remove makeup, dirt and oil etc. Micellar water is very gentle. It is suitable for all skin types including sensitive skin. It has to be applied on the face with the help of cotton pad or cotton.


7. Cleansing balm

A cleansing balm is much like a massage cream. Massage the face in circular motion. As a result, heavy makeup and sunscreen are all clean. Cleansing balm can remove oil, makeup, dirt, etc. without water. Wash your face with water after doing a face massage. It does not dry the skin at all. Because it contains moisturizing elements. It can be used on any skin type including sensitive and dry skin.


Last word

So today we got a lot of information about the different types of cleansers. Hopefully, now you can choose the perfect cleanser for yourself and include it in your skin care. Anyway, that’s it for today. Stay well and stay beautiful.


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