There are many things to talk about when it comes to skin care. Such as cleansing, toning, moisturizing, serum application etc. Depending on your skin type, you can do different things for your skin. But at the root of everything, skin oil and water actually work. If the balance of these two is not right then whatever is done will not be beneficial. You understand that today I am going to talk about skin oil and water.

Do you think I’m asking you to apply oil and water on your face? not at all Rather, if these two elements are imbalanced in the skin, there may be several problems. Today I will tell you what problems can happen if the balance of oil and water in the skin is not right and how to remove these problems and balance these two.


It is important to understand the skin type!

First you need to understand your skin type. Many people have a misconception that oily skin does not need to apply moisturizer. This is completely wrong. Because if the oil is not applied to the skin, it will produce more sebum and make the skin more oily. Many people apply such moisturizer on dry skin, in which the skin is not well moisturized and hydrated.

The skin naturally produces oil. And the amount of water is determined by your fluid intake and other factors. Oil is produced in the skin mainly to protect the skin from external damage. Many times due to this many people with dry skin think their skin is oily and therefore clean their face frequently using cleansers, thereby depleting the skin’s natural oil level and leaving the skin looking rough.


Why is excess oil formed on the skin?

There are a few reasons why our skin produces excess oil. They are,


1. Unhealthy lifestyle

Excessive exercise and sleep disorders also lead to excess sebum secretion. So to control the amount of sebum in the skin, moderate exercise and adequate sleep are needed. Stress affects the health as the white blood cell count in the body decreases. The surface of the skin becomes very sensitive and easily irritated. And irritation increases skin oil secretion.


2. Unhealthy eating habits

One of the reasons behind most people’s skin problems is an unhealthy diet. If fried in oil, extra spicy foods are consumed in excess, it becomes very difficult to cure skin problems.

3. Lack of vitamins

If the body lacks vitamin B complex, E and A, the skin can become rough. So if you feel the skin texture is unhealthy, check the diet chart once to see if there is sufficient amount of nutrients.


How to understand the oil and water balance in the skin?

When acne appears on the face, we complain that there must be something wrong with the product! But I never think that this problem can happen even if the balance of oil and water in the skin is not right. So how do you know if the balance of these two elements is right or not? Let’s find out!

1. If there is an imbalance of water and oil on the skin surface, the bacteria responsible for skin concerns will nest and acne will naturally form. That is why it is important to keep the skin clean. You should make sure that the face wash you are using regularly is pH balanced and cleans the excess sebum properly from your skin.

2. Another common problem is blocked pores. Impurities and dirt mix with the skin’s excess sebum and block pores. This causes skin problems like bumps, acne, rashes. Because of this, if the oil balance of the skin is not right, then skin concerns like pores clog appear very easily.

3. When we sweat in the heat, our face starts producing excess water. If this sweat is not removed in a short period of time, the oil and water imbalance of the face occurs. And then the external pollution, dust and sweat can cause problems.


How to keep this balance right?

We know that oily skin has more oil. It is also true that if the balance of water and oil is not right, or more or less, skin problems can occur. So let’s find out how to keep this balance right.


1. Use the right cleanser

While cleansing, care should be taken whether the right cleanser is being used, what are the ingredients of the cleanser, how many times a day are you washing your face, what type of skin is it formulated for, whether the cleanser is pH balanced, etc. Because if the cleanser is used more or if the ingredients of the cleanser are harsh, the skin produces more sebum and the pores of the skin become blocked and cause acne. Our skin produces some good bacteria, which protect the skin barrier and keep the skin’s pH level balanced. So do not over wash. For oily skin, add a salicylic acid based cleanser to your skin care routine 2/3 days a week.


2. Keep facial mist with you

How much sebum the skin produces depends a lot on the surrounding environment. If you spend too much time in an AC room or spend too much time in the sun, your skin can become very dehydrated. So always keep facial mist with you. Whenever skin feels dry and dehydrated, just apply it on the face.


3. Use moisturizer according to skin type

A good quality moisturizer can be a game changer for your skin. So before buying a moisturizer, check if it suits your skin. Hyaluronic acid works very well to retain water on the skin surface. So choose a moisturizer that contains this ingredient to keep the skin hydrated. And if oil production is high, don’t forget to select matte and oil free light moisturizer.


4. Keeping the body temperature cool

Keeping the body temperature cool is more important when it is hot outside. Because in summer, excess sebum is released from the sebaceous glands. You can wear soft cotton clothes for this. Also eat foods that keep the body cool and drink enough water.


5. Follow a proper diet

Follow a diet chart that contains foods rich in vitamins and proteins. Avoid oily spicy food. Following a diet high in sugar and refined carbohydrates, can lead to excess sebum production in the skin. If your diet does not contain enough nutritious foods, then change the diet chart.



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