Winter!………….Dry skin!

what do you do about it? Makeup on dry skin can be challenging! However, where there are problems, there are also solutions. Skin needs extra care in winter. For instance, a good quality moisturizer is a must in a winter skin care routine. By maintaining a consistent skin care routine, you can easily avoid many skin and makeup-related problems. Today, we’ll learn some skin care tips for dry skin in winter. With healthy skin, we hope those facing makeup challenges can find relief. Let’s discover some great tips to care for dry skin in winter and achieve the perfect makeup look.

How do you know if your skin is super dry?

  • The skin becomes very rough.
  • Skin looks dull and pale throughout the day.
  • After showering, the skin feels tight.
  • Sometimes there’s itchiness or irritation.
  • Occasional redness may occur.
  • Dead skin cells accumulate.
  • The skin loses its natural glow.

A few changes in our daily routine for dry skin care in winter can solve many problems by itself! Let’s find out! To achieve the perfect makeup look, you need to focus on skin care first. If your skin is healthy, your makeup will be flawless!

Morning Skin Care:

Things to do when you wake up:

1. Proper cleansing:

Each of us has a different skin type. Therefore, the first thing in the morning after waking up should be to clean our face with a face wash suitable for our skin type. In winter, it’s better to use a moisturizing face wash.

2. Smooth moisturizing:

After cleansing, apply moisturizer immediately according to your skin type. Many prefer a light formula or gel-based moisturizer that doesn’t feel heavy and absorbs quickly.

3. Scrubbing or exfoliating:

Exfoliation is crucial for dry skin care in winter. Scrubbing should be done at least once a week to remove dead skin cells and reduce skin darkening.

4. Use sunscreen:

Many of us skip sunscreen in winter because the sunlight isn’t as strong. However, this negligence can damage our skin. Don’t forget to use sunscreen even in mild winter sun. Opt for a sunscreen with at least SPF 30 when outdoors. Apply sunscreen before BB cream or foundation to protect the skin.

Nighttime Skin Care:

Regardless of your daytime skin care routine, don’t skip nighttime skin care. Here’s what to do before going to bed:

1) Cleanse the face thoroughly and apply a deep moisturizer.

2) Consider using olive oil before bed to maintain skin brightness. Don’t forget to use lip balm!

3) Those over 20 years old can include night cream or serum in their nighttime skin care routine.

Many makeup lovers face various skin problems in winter. While our skin is good all year round, winter can bring its own set of challenges. By maintaining a consistent skin care routine, you can alleviate these issues to some extent and achieve your desired makeup look effortlessly. For flawless makeup, skin preparation is key. After that, any makeup product will sit smoothly on the skin. Follow the above tips to prepare your skin for a perfect makeup look this winter—no extra effort needed!

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