Is it nice to see stretch marks on beautiful, smooth skin?

Of course not! But here’s the problem, even if we don’t want to, stretch marks leave their mark on different parts of our body during pregnancy or when we gain weight. Is it possible to get rid of stretch marks ? How to get it? Many people wonder if it is really possible to completely remove stretch marks or stretch marks! We will try to know the answer to this question today.


What are stretch marks?

The first step in solving a problem is to recognize the problem. So let’s get to know what stretch marks are before getting to the solution! Stretch marks are a type of scar formed on the skin due to loss of collagen or elasticity. Usually when our skin is stretched in the upper layer (pregnancy or weight gain), then its elasticity decreases and the skin starts to crack. We call those cracks as stretch marks And there are different types of stretch marks.

One Striae rubra, another Striae alba. Another is Striae Gravidarum. Striae rubra are somewhat red or pink in color with cracked patches. This is when the skin first begins to crack. Striae alba appear relatively late, and are usually white in color. If you notice, you will see that many people have white spots on the lower side of their arms and abdomen. And Striae Gravidarum is seen in pregnancy.


Why do stretch marks occur:

Like thousands of other problems, behind these stretch marks there are many manipulations of hormones. Let’s talk about that first. First of all we know that stretch marks are either stretching of the skin or loss of elasticity. Now several other factors can trigger this cause. For example, your genetic makeup, how much stress you put on your skin, and the amount of cortisol hormone in your body. Collagen fibers in the structural material of the skin help to keep our skin smooth. Cortisol hormone from the adrenal gland loosens these fibers, thereby reducing the skin’s tautness.

Also there are several other factors of stretch marks,

1. The risk is higher in girls.
If someone in the family already has stretch marks.

2.If you gain or lose weight during pregnancy or suddenly.

3. Taking corticosteroid drugs.

4. Breast enlargement surgery.

5. If there is Cushing syndrome or Marfan syndrome.


Can stretch marks be completely removed?

This healing process is time-consuming, as stretch marks take time to develop. So suddenly no medicine will heal at once. Like any scar, stretch marks cannot be completely removed in a short period of time. However, with several treatments, they can be brought to a stage where they are less noticeable. That means it is possible to fade the stain!

Let’s find out what they are,


1. Use stretch marks cream

From the moment stretch marks appear on the skin, if you start using the right cream, lotion or gel (which is suitable for your skin), the marks will begin to diminish within a few weeks of use. But must be massaged gently as per instructions and with time.


2. Use Hyaluronic acid

This ingredient works great in a skincare routine! If applied to early stretch marks on the face or neck area, hyaluronic acid works very well and the scars are much less noticeable.


3. Use Tretinoin

It is a retinoid, applied from an early stage can prevent stretch marks. One study found that people who used tretinoin once every night for about 24 weeks had better results in reducing scarring.


4. Use olive oil and Argan oil

Massage a few drops of argan oil mixed with olive oil to get rid of stitch marks on the abdomen, lower abdomen, breast area after baby delivery. Argan oil’s moisturizing properties reduce skin dryness. And when it is mixed with olive oil and applied on the body, it works very well in removing stretch marks. Also using almond oil, cocoa butter is very beneficial in many cases.


Will seeing a dermatologist get better results?

Seeing a dermatologist might get you better treatment, but stretch marks are stubborn. Once permanent it is time consuming to completely remove! Dermatologists use some advanced technology in the treatment of stretch marks to completely remove the scars in just a few sessions. that is,

1. Chemical peel

2. Laser therapy

3. Microdermabrasion

4. Radio frequency

5.Cosmetics surgery


Last word

It is not possible to get rid of stretch marks or stretch marks overnight without advanced treatment. Keep the body area properly moisturized, use special creams or oils available to reduce stretch marks. And the most important thing is to be confident with your body. stay well.


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