“Whoops! It’s so hot! I won’t go out much in this heat!”

Even if working women say this hundreds of times, it is not possible for them to stay at home. Even in this summer, they have to get up early in the morning to prepare breakfast and lunch. Then, hastily take a bath, have some kind of breakfast, and go to work for a long day. As easy as I said, the matter is actually not that easy. Let’s find out how working women can keep their oily skin fresh in such heat.

How Working Women Can Take Care of Their Oily Skin in Summer:

The hot temperature of the sun! Most of the time in this heat, they have to stand for cars. They reach the office only after standing in the hot sun. Every day, working women win such battles.

But back at home, they can’t bear to look at their faces in the mirror. The face becomes oily due to the whole day’s work. And due to being so oily, more dust accumulates on the face. As a result, the problem of dead skin and acne increases. But what is the way? There is definitely a way. Let’s see how working women can take care of their oily skin in the summer!

1. Before Going to Office

The time before going to the office is a very busy time. But you have to take time to take care of your skin, right? For this, you have to make a little effort. Just use a face pack! Materials needed to make the face pack:

  • Rose petal paste – 1 rose
  • Carrot juice – 1/2 tbsp
  • Watermelon juice – 1/2 tbsp
  • Cucumber juice – 1 tbsp
  • Rice powder – 1 tbsp

Mix all the above ingredients together and apply it all over your face. When dry it, wash your face with cold water! This pack is very effective in keeping the skin fresh throughout the day.

2. At Lunch Break

You come to the office sweaty after enduring a lot of dust and heat. And there is no way that you will be fresh when you come to the office due to the traffic jams on the roads. Because you have to get busy at the office. After a busy morning, you get some time in the afternoon. Yes, that’s a very short time. It’s time to have lunch. But even in this lunch break, keep only 5 minutes to freshen up.

Always keep rose water and cotton in your bag this summer. Wash your face with cold water and then soak a cotton ball in rose water and apply it all over your face. You will see that the skin will feel fresh, and your mind will be very refreshed. And you will get enthusiasm for work for the next office hours.

3. After Returning from Office

At the end of the day, it’s time to go home. There is no heat from the sun in the afternoon, but it is still very hot during this time. And added to it is road dust, dirt, and germs. Your body feels heavy as you enter the house at the end of the day to return home. What fatigue it takes!

It feels worse to see your oily face. So, after coming home, cool yourself for a while with the air conditioner. Before going to the office, mix the juice of 2 lemons in a cup of water and keep it in the fridge. After returning from the office, soak a thin handkerchief in that water and cover your entire face for 10 minutes. As soon as the fatigue of the body is removed, the skin will become alive and vibrant.

Some Tips for Oily Skin:

1. Drink 9-10 glasses of water daily.

2. Avoid oily food as much as possible.

3. Eat at least one seasonal fruit after dinner every day.

4. Always wash your face with water after coming inside.

5. You can take hot water steam twice a week to keep oily skin healthy.

The heat is increasing! So can you sit at home? It is never possible. So always keep sunglasses, an umbrella, and water with you to save from the heat! If necessary, mix glucose and lemon in a bottle of water and always carry it with you. Also, take time to take care of your skin. As a result, your skin will smile, and you will smile too!

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