Taking care of oily skin is a bit difficult. A certain amount of oil is essential for our skin as it keeps our skin healthy, helps retain youthfulness, and prevents our skin from drying out. The benefits of oily skin are that the oil prevents wrinkles and any discoloration of the skin. But the problem of oily skin is not less. Oily skin gets dust easily, and excess oil clogs the pores of the face. This increases the chances of acne due to bacterial infection. Oily skin can happen to anyone, at any age. Don’t neglect it. But before the causes and care of oily skin, let’s know how to understand if your skin is oily.

Symptoms of oily skin:

  1. There is a shiny and slippery feeling on the forehead, nose, and chin. This area is called the T-zone.
  2. The skin is thicker than normal skin.
  3. Facial pores are large and visible to the naked eye.
  4. Acne, blackheads, and whiteheads appear on the face.
  5. After some time after washing the face, the face becomes oily again.
  6. The face is extra oily after waking up.
  7. There is white skin around the nose.
  8. Hair is oily.

Causes of oily skin:

Sebum is produced when the sebaceous glands are activated. Sebum is an oily substance produced by these glands. Its main function is to moisturize our skin and protect it from the dry weather outside. But excess sebum makes the skin oily and causes problems like acne or pimples. The reasons for making this excess sebum are:

1. Hereditary causes:

If you want to know the cause of oily skin, one of the reasons can be hereditary. People who have a family member with oily skin usually also have oily skin. But the good news is that with age, the oil production of these oil glands gradually decreases.

2. Hormonal imbalance:

During puberty, hormones called androgens are released, which stimulate the sebaceous glands, resulting in excess sebum production. Also, pregnancy, menopause, and birth control pills increase sebum production, which are considered causes of oily skin.

3. Cosmetics:

Using oily cosmetics can also cause oily skin.

4. Soap and excessive face washing:

Highly alkaline soaps damage the skin’s natural mechanism and overwork the sebaceous glands, causing oil production. People who over-wash their face strip away essential oils, causing the oil glands to produce more oil to protect the skin.

5. Food:

It is said that chocolate, soft drinks, and foods fried in oil can cause oily skin. Also, vitamin B2, vitamin B5, and vitamin A deficiency cause oily skin.

More other reasons:

  • As a result of the use of certain drugs.
  • Excessively hot and humid weather.
  • If the workplace environment is hot.
  • If you smoke excessively.

Some tips for oily skin care:

There are several ways to take care of oily skin. One is basic or primary care and the other is care with natural ingredients. First, let’s take care of the basics of oily skin. For this, 3 main tasks have to be done in this part. The tasks are:

1. Cleansing the face:

A good face wash is the key to oily skin care. The face should be washed in such a way that the excess oil on the face is removed but not the lipids or the oil inside the glands. Because a certain amount of oil or lipids are needed for the health of our skin. So the cleanser you use should be a mild synthetic detergent (made for the face) and should be oil, wax, and lipid-free. Because this type of cleanser washes away excess oil without drying out the face.

However, some cleansers contain small amounts of alpha hydroxy acids. For example, cleansers with salicylic acid, which remove dead skin cells, and cleansers with benzoyl peroxide, which mainly contain antibacterial ingredients, are safe to use on oily skin.

Wash your face 2-3 times a day, not more than that. Use lukewarm water to wash your face. Do not rub your face too much while washing. Only massage lightly.

2. Toner:

Apply the toner after washing your face. It contracts and tightens the skin cells. As a result, less oil comes out of the pores. It regulates the pH of the skin. For oily skin, use an alcohol-based toner. Because alcohol dries out the face. Also, try to buy a toner that contains acetone.

3. Moisturizer:

Use a gentle, oil-wax, and lipid-free moisturizer. Those with extra oily skin need not use it.

Other Tips on Oily Skin Care:

1. Use oil-free cosmetics.

2. Remove makeup before bed.

3. Do not touch or rub your face without washing your face. It can clog the pores and cause acne.

4. Dermatologists recommend vitamin A cream, retinoids, and sulfur cream if needed.

5. Eat a balanced diet. Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, beans, and nuts to avoid vitamin B2 and B5 deficiency.

6. Avoid smoking. Stay relaxed and get enough sleep and water.

Some natural ingredients and packs for oily skin care

1. Mix apple juice and lemon juice together, apply it on your face, after 15 minutes, and wash it off with cold water.

2. Heat a pot of water and boil it with tea leaves. Then cover your face with a soft cloth and take hot steam on your face for 3 minutes.

Here are the causes, symptoms, and some effective tips for oily skin solutions. People with oily skin tend to worry a little more about their skin. Telling them, don’t worry and take care of your skin. I told you here a few ways! Start your skincare routine with the one you love and keep smiling today!

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