Vitamin-C intake is essential for good skin health. It also helps in boosting immunity. Vitamin-C enhances the skin’s beauty by increasing the collagen production of the skin. So it is important to keep vitamin-C rich foods in the diet every day.

Many people think that only sour foods contain vitamin-C. Sour foods are vitamin-C rich foods. But there are other foods, which are rich in vitamin-C.

So if you want to have glowing skin, you should add vitamin-C rich foods to your diet. So let’s know the list of some foods that contain vitamin-C


1. Orange

It is a fruit rich in vitamin-C. If you consume oranges daily, you will stay away from acne. It contains natural oils, which help to keep the skin moist.


2. Ripe papaya

It works very well for the body or face. Papaya is very beneficial for those who have digestive problems. Besides, those who are constantly sick like, have problems like fever, cold, cough etc. They keep this papaya next to their meals regularly.


3. Potatoes

Although everyone calls potatoes fat, there are 72.7 kilograms of vitamin-C in potatoes. You can always eat potatoes in moderation. Potatoes have a good amount of vitamins. Which gives you strength in daily activities. Besides, cholesterol cannot accumulate in the body as it is easily digested. So you can keep potatoes in the diet


4. Watermelon

Watermelon is very useful in summer. It contains 92 percent water content. It also contains vitamins-C, A, B1 and B6. This blend of water and vitamins helps in improving skin texture and overall good health. Another thing is that it does not contain any fat or cholesterol. So you can eat safely.


5. Apple

Experts say an apple a day will keep you away from the doctor. Not only this, apples also help reduce the signs of skin roughness and age spots. It contains vitamin-A and-C and is rich in anti-oxidants, which are very beneficial for skin health. Apart from this, apples help to keep the skin free from free radicals.


6.Green Vegetables

Various types of green vegetables fulfill the additional requirement of vitamin-C. Any green vegetable has a large amount of vitamin-C. Therefore, you can eat different types of green vegetables to meet the additional demand of vitamin-C for healthy skin. As the brightness of your skin will increase, you will get more vitamins and vegetables that will help keep you fresh, energetic and healthy.



It is a mood booster and contains high amounts of vitamin-C. It is beneficial in eye care. Also, this fruit helps to remove skin wrinkles by increasing collagen. It reduces oxidative stress in the body and protects against free radicals.


8. Pineapple

Pineapple is a fruit rich in vitamin-C. It contains vitamin-A and Vitamin-K. It also contains bromelain. These ingredients will help keep your skin acne-free and reduce sun spots. It will also help to get rid of age spots.


Foods rich in vitamin-C should be eaten raw because cooking or heating or microwaving reduces their nutritional value and vitamin-C content. Similarly, they should not be stored or exposed to sunlight for a long time. Whenever these products are intended for consumption, they should be packed in strong boxes. So that their natural ingredients are protected and protected from excessive sunlight. These foods are best washed and eaten fresh and uncooked.

Last words:

Vitamin-C besides brightening the skin also strengthens the body’s immune system and keeps the body fresh and healthy. Also, due to the consumption of foods containing vitamin-C, fat cannot be stored in the body. As a result, bad cholesterol cannot accumulate. Therefore, to keep the skin bright and good, it is necessary to take vitamin-C foods regularly.

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