The role of vitamin-C in maintaining beauty is important. It keeps skin healthy by boosting immunity. And for this its popularity is increasing all over the world. Dermatologists are also adding vitamin-C products to their prescriptions, as well as recommending foods rich in vitamin-C. Currently, this vitamin has occupied a special place in modern and advanced skincare treatments. For example Vitamin-C Facial, Vitamin-C Iontophoresis, Vitamin-C Infusion etc. in Aesthetic Clinics.


Benefits of Vitamin-C:

Vitamin-C boosts collagen, the main ingredient of youth retention. It prevents folds in the skin and tightens the skin. It also inhibits the growth of skin pigment melanin. Its use makes the skin brighter and free from blemishes.

Vitamin-C has been proven in clinical studies to reduce skin wrinkles. A study found that daily use of a vitamin-C formulation for at least three months reduced fine and coarse wrinkles on the face and neck.

As it is easily soluble in water. So the skin absorbs it easily. This vitamin is very beneficial for oily skin. People with dry and normal skin can also use vitamin-C products. Vitamin-C is so safe that products containing vitamin-A, vitamin-E, hyaluronic acid etc. can be used with it. It reduces skin inflammation and reduces redness. As it increases collagen and strengthens blood vessels, it is also very effective for scalp and hair health.


Sources of Vitamin-C:

Mainly fruits and raw vegetables are the main sources of vitamin-C. A lot of vitamin-C is found in some fruits and vegetables like lemons, sweet potatoes, oranges, broccoli, amla, lettuce, strawberries, tomatoes, guavas, green peppers etc.
So these can be eaten to get vitamin-C. To get full vitamins from them, it is better to eat them raw. Because the fresher such vegetables and fruits are, the more vitamin-C will be found in them. Since it is soluble in water, its properties are degraded by exposure to temperature and air. So it is important to take special care in the cutting and cooking process.

Apart from this, vitamin-C is also found in serums or other skin care products. You can buy vitamin-C products by consulting a dermatologist and checking it yourself. Check the ingredients on the product label before buying.


How to use:

1.Wake up in the morning and wash your face using a mild cleanser. Apply a few drops of vitamin-C serum on the face and neck. The skin will feel light and fresh by using it. Then apply moisturizer and sunscreen. Use it three days a week initially. After that, if the skin tolerates it, you can use it every day. You will see changes within three months of regular use. If any discomfort or irritation is felt, stop using vitamin-C and consult a doctor.

2. Vitamin-C rich powder can be used on the skin. Apart from this, vitamin-C toner or moisturizer can be made at home. In this case, take four vitamin-C tablets. Mix one teaspoon of aloe vera gel and two tablespoons of rose water and keep it in a bowl. Use the mixture daily before going to bed.

3.You can extract orange juice and mix it with rose water and glycerin and keep it in cubes. This natural serum can be used on the skin daily

4. You can take four tablets containing vitamin-C and mix one tablespoon of raw glycerin and rose water. It can be used as a serum before going out during the day.

5. Orange peel can be dried (to be dried in the room) and powdered and used as a pack. You can mix Multani soil with water and use this powder. If the skin needs a little more brightness, you can also mix orange juice in it.



Vitamin-C is only prescribed for adults, not for children. Always read the ingredients list before buying this product. If you are allergic to any ingredient, consult a doctor before using that product. If you have acne-prone or oily skin, you can use vitamin-C-rich products.


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