Due to the harmful rays of the sun, the skin gets burnt and turns black. Due to this darkening, skin rashes and blemishes are often seen, which spoil the beauty of the face. . Removing these stains isn’t easy at all. redundant care is demanded to remove them. Sometimes, even using various creams and lotions available in the market, this problem cannot be solved. However, the solution to this problem can be found in some natural ingredients found in daily home remedies.

Let’s learn about some natural ingredients to remove sunburn spots and how to use them!


1.Potato Juice

Using potato juice can remove sunburn spots on the skin and also helps to remove any dark spots. Potato juice contains bleaching material, which not only soothes the skin but also helps in removing sunburn spots and brightening the skin. Additionally, potato juice helps to remove dark spots under the eyes due to various reasons. So, you can use potatoes to avoid such problems.

How to use:

Cut the potato thinly and apply it on the upper eye area and blemishes. Then wait for ten to 12 minutes and wash it off with water. Potato juice can also be applied directly to the skin to remove sunburn and dark spots.


2.Rice Powder and Milk

Rice flour acts as a natural scrub, exfoliating the face, brightening the skin, and helping to remove sun spots. On the other hand, milk contains lactic acid that penetrates the skin, removing dirt and dead skin cells to create new cells.

How to use:

Make a thick paste by mixing 2 tablespoons of rice powder with enough milk in a bowl. Then apply it to the sunburned area and leave it for 30 minutes, then wash it off with warm water.



Regular consumption of pomegranate protects your skin from sunburn related to the ultraviolet rays of the sun, giving you extra confidence to step out into the sun. Eat more pomegranates on hot days. Its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant parcels will help heal your burned skin.



Cucumber is not only useful as a vegetable but also very effective in your beauty routine. In many cases, cucumber is more beneficial than the chemical drugs available in the market. People suffering from sunburned skin can use cucumber paste regularly. It is very beneficial for the skin and also works to moisturize it.

How to use:

Grate the cucumber and extract its juice and apply it to the skin with the help of a cotton ball. If desired, add a little lemon juice to it. After use, wash it off with warm water if it dries up. It will remove the sunburn and rejuvenate the skin!

Cucumber can also be used as a sunscreen. Cut the cucumber and make juice. Then mix it with glycerin and rose water and use it as a sunscreen.


5.Gram Flour and Turmeric

Gram Flour has been used in beauty treatments for a long time. It exfoliates the face and removes sun spots. Turmeric, on the other hand, cleans the dirt from inside the face and helps brighten it.

How to use:

Mix 1 cup of gram flour and 1 teaspoon of turmeric with 3-4 tablespoons of raw milk. Apply it to any part of the body, including the face, that has sunburned spots. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes and wash your face with warm water. Apply it 2-3 days a week for great results.


6.Aloe vera gel

Applying aloe vera gel is beneficial for sunburned skin. You can use the aloe vera gel bought from the market, or you can extract the gel from aloe vera leaves and apply it to the skin.



The red pigment in tomatoes protects the skin from sun damage. Mash a tomato and mix it with mild honey, then apply it to the skin. When dry, wash off with cold water. If you use this method for 1 week, you will notice a difference in your skin!

Additionally, consuming 5 teaspoons of tomato paste daily for just 3 months increases the skin’s sun protection by 25%. Eat tomatoes daily to increase skin lycopene, which protects your skin from sun damage and ageing.


8.Green tea

Green tea creates a layer of protein on the skin that relieves the discomfort of burnt skin. For burn skin treatment, soak a cloth in normal temperature (not cold) green tea. Then apply it to the burnt skin. Repeat this every 2 to 4 hours.



Foods rich in antioxidants will give you confidence to go outside in the sun. Studies have shown that one guava contains vitamin C equal to five oranges. Vitamin C is an antioxidant essential for skin healing. So eat more guavas in summer.


10.Papaya and honey

Bleaching, exfoliating, anti-bacterial, anti-aging, and anti-inflammatory parcels in papaya help in cheering the skin and removing sun spots. Honey helps keep the skin smooth and soft. How to use Take 1/2 mug of ripe papaya and grind it well. also mix 1 or 2 ladles of honey and apply it to the dark and sunburned areas. Wash it off with warm water. It’ll make the skin gleam.

How to use:

Take 1/2 cup of ripe papaya and grind it well. Then mix 1 or 2 teaspoons of honey and apply it to the dark and sunburned areas. Wash it off with warm water. It will make the skin glow.



Lentils are very effective in removing sunburn. Lentil paste is also great for brightening the skin.

How to use:

First soak the lentils. After that, make a paste. Mix it with 1 tablespoon of aloe vera and 2 teaspoons of tomato. Then apply it to the face and leave it for 20 minutes before washing it off with water.



A component in strawberries called tannin helps soothe the pain of burnt skin. Grind a few ripe strawberries together and apply them to the sunburned skin for good benefits.


Last words:

It is wiser to use natural ingredients in skincare than imported cosmetics from the market. Natural ingredients have a positive effect on the skin without side effects. These natural ingredients will protect your skin from sun damage and free you from various chemical products. Be natural. Stay healthy and beautiful.


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