A common misconception about wrinkles is that they are inevitable with age and cannot be controlled. But is that really so? Did you know that facial wrinkles at a young age can make you look older? Did you know you can avoid wrinkles by changing certain habits and product usage? Here are some important facts about wrinkles.

Who Suffers More from Wrinkles?

Women tend to have more wrinkles on the face and around the lips than men. Wrinkles around the lips are called “perioral wrinkles.” A study from the Netherlands showed that men have more sweat glands around the lips and better circulation in the face. Therefore, men’s wrinkles near the lips are less prominent than women’s.

Causes of Wrinkles


The main enemy of the skin is sunlight. No matter how oily and annoying sunscreen makes you feel, this excuse won’t help your skin. Many people think that age is the main cause of wrinkles, believing that wrinkles become more visible as one ages. But this is a misconception. The primary cause of wrinkles is the harmful rays of the sun. Sun rays and stove fires break down collagen in the skin, causing it to become thinner and sag. Gradually, this leads to the formation of wrinkles.

So, if you want to avoid wrinkles, use sunscreen every day with at least SPF 30 to protect your skin from UVA and UVB rays.


As a result of smoking, fine lines can appear around the face. At the same time, the chemicals in cigarettes reduce the vitamin C level in the body, which decreases the skin’s ability to protect itself from the sun’s rays. This results in double sun damage.

You will be amazed at the difference between the skin of a smoker and a non-smoker! So try to avoid passive smoking, as it is even more harmful. If there is a smoker around you, ask them not to smoke near you.

Fat-Free Diet:

Nowadays, everyone seems to be on a diet. Many people go for years without consuming even the necessary body fats. But did you know that one of the main functions of fat is to keep the skin moisturized? This cannot be achieved by applying various lotions and oils externally. Fine lines and wrinkles appear very quickly on dry skin. This is why young women who diet without proper knowledge are losing their skin’s beauty, and fine lines are increasing. So, practice a controlled diet daily and consume essential fats.

Makeup Techniques:

Have you ever noticed how long you rub around your eyes with a brush or fingers while applying eye makeup? About 30 minutes! That too for an artificial look. Did you know that the skin around our eyes is thinner than tissue paper? One day, try applying makeup on a piece of tissue with your soft and gentle brushes! The tissue paper will tear in less than 5 minutes. Yet, you apply eye makeup daily with more pressure than that and try to remove it with double the pressure. This is how fine lines develop around the eyes!

If you must do eye makeup, use an oil cleanser to remove it. Do not rub with oil or a cloth. Every touch around the eyes increases the chances of fine lines, so keep this in mind the next time you do your eye makeup.


A very common factor is gravity. Earth’s natural gravity significantly contributes to our skin’s natural aging and sagging. Thanks to our skin’s collagen and natural elasticity at a young age, this downward pull doesn’t have as much of an effect. However, if you spend 6-7 hours a day sitting in a downward position, gravity will start affecting you in your 20s. Surely, many people are reading this article while slouched over their phones! If so, sit up straight now. Bring your phone to eye level. Sit in a way that prevents folds on your neck.

Sagging of the jawline, neck, and double chin and wrinkles in these areas are now major problems due to excessive smartphone use. Doctors have even given a name to this type of age impression: TECH NECK JOWLS. Not convinced? Search for “Tech Neck Jowls” on Google and find hundreds of stories.

Facial Expressions:

Sad but true! Excessive smiling, frowning, and other facial expressions significantly increase the rate of skin wrinkling at an early age, especially laugh lines, eye wrinkles, and forehead wrinkles. But does that mean you should be upset all day? Of course not! But you can control unnecessary eyebrow-raising and frowning, right?

Many people’s eyesight is diminishing day by day. But instead of using the right glasses, they struggle through the day squinting, leading to both dark circles and wrinkles. Be cautious! Whether you are frowning unnecessarily or making unnecessary facial expressions, a little precaution can help prevent premature wrinkles. These good habits might keep you wrinkle-free between your eyebrows and on your forehead for an extra 10 years!

Insufficient Sleep:

According to the body’s normal rules, the repair process begins at 10 p.m. But if you’re scrolling until 3 a.m., these repair hormones get confused about whether they should repair damaged skin or continue with the body’s waking functions. After years of doing this, the power of these hormones is permanently lost, leaving you with lifeless, dull skin full of fine lines!

Develop the habit of preparing the body for sleep. Sleep 6-8 hours daily. Excessive fluorescent light disrupts the normal sleep cycle, so use the night light setting on your devices. If you are using a PC, keep the same setting on to prevent the brain from being kept awake by blue light. Do not turn on fluorescent lights after evening; use only yellow light.

You can keep lavender essential oil with you. Put one drop on the pillow. The scent of lavender reduces stress and helps with sleep. Remember, a night’s sleep works better than $100 worth of cosmetics. The deeper the sleep, the better it is for your skin and body. With adequate sleep, you will have a healthy body and beautiful skin at the same time!

From What Age Should You Be Careful About Wrinkles?

Most people think that after 30 years of age, you should start taking precautions to avoid wrinkles. But this is also a mistake. The possibility of developing wrinkles at a young age is very high for everyone! Therefore, from the age of 20, you must be cautious about wrinkles, especially girls. The use of sunscreen is the best anti-aging treatment, and retinoids and topical antioxidants should be started from the age of 20.

Which Product Should Be Used to Remove Wrinkles?

Use products that contain retinoids, alpha hydroxyl acids, and azelaic acids to prevent early wrinkles. These ingredients protect the skin from wrinkles. Azelaic acid and alpha hydroxyl acid are naturally based acids.

Can Smoking Cause Wrinkles?

Research has shown that even smoking at a young age can cause wrinkles. The facial skin of some people who smoked in their 20s was examined under a microscope, and the study found wrinkles on their skin. Studies have also shown that for people who develop wrinkles due to regular smoking, the wrinkles gradually lighten when they quit smoking.

Age Spots and Precautions:

Don’t neglect age spots. Be careful with age spots because they can be a symptom of skin cancer. Any skin changes should be checked by a dermatologist. Non-cancerous spots can usually be lightened with skin bleaching products.

Does Using Moisturizer Hide Wrinkles?

If your skin has wrinkles, use a moisturizer. Moisturizer will protect your skin from dryness. And the less dry the skin is, the less visible the wrinkles will be.

A Misconception:

It is a misconception that only too much sun exposure will cause wrinkles. The truth is, sunlight is harmful to the skin regardless of whether it is too harsh or too mild. Even UVA rays coming through the glass while traveling in your private car can damage your skin. Therefore, if you leave the house where sunlight can fall on you, you must use sunscreen.

Eye Makeup and Wrinkles:

Wrinkles have nothing to do with removing eye makeup. However, if the eye makeup is removed by rubbing too hard, wrinkles may appear temporarily, which will later be corrected.

Night Makeup and Wrinkles:

Wrinkles have nothing to do with going to bed without removing makeup at night. However, if you go to sleep without removing makeup, other skin problems will appear.

Many people worry about getting wrinkles on their face at a young age. But due to a lack of proper knowledge on how to prevent wrinkles and many misconceptions, we do not take precautions against wrinkles at the right time. So, get a proper understanding of wrinkles today and maintain your beauty for longer!

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