What we all want in skin care is something that makes our skin naturally smooth, glowing and flawless. Snail mucin is quite popular in the skincare trend these days. However, the use of snails in cosmetics dates back to ancient times. It was practiced in South Korea for ages. Many of us may have seen the skin care method by leaving snails on the face in various spa centers or through the Internet.

Snail based products are becoming popular day by day. In this case, the use of snails is not direct, but snail mucin is used in skincare products! Why is snail mucin so popular in skincare trends, what are its benefits? Let’s know everything with details in today’s feature.


What is ‘snail mucin’?

The ingredient “snail secretion filtrate” (SSF) is often found in the ingredient list of skincare products. This naturally produced mucin is also known as snail secretion filtrate or snail slime. Snail mucin is essentially a sticky gel or gel-like extract from snails. It is collected from specific snail species. Snail mucin contains glycoproteins, glycolic acid, peptides, minerals, etc.


What forms is this ‘snail mucin’ available in?

Snail mucin is now used in various skincare ranges including serum, toner, essence, ampoule, moisturizer, cleanser, sheet mask, and soothing gel. You can use any one of these according to personal preference. Snail mucin is naturally a bit thick and sticky, but is formulated in skincare products so that it can be properly absorbed into the skin. Specific formulations vary by skincare brand and product.


Benefits of ‘Snail Mucin’ in Skincare:

Let’s find out about its skincare benefits and why this ingredient is so hyped.

1. Retains skin hydration

Snail slime is an amazing hydrating ingredient. It helps retain moisture and provides hydration. It works well for dry and dehydrated skin.

2. Repairs damaged skin barrier

It naturally repairs the damaged skin barrier, as it has healing properties. The peptides in it are very effective in healing any type of wound. It also reduces the appearance of scars on the skin.

3. Prevents aging signs

As we age, our skin’s collagen levels decrease, which is when aging signs become more visible. And this process is accelerated by the surrounding pollution and unhealthy lifestyle. Snail mucin contains glycolic acid which stimulates collagen production. Because snail mucin increases collagen production, skin appears younger looking. As a result, the visibility of wrinkles and fine lines decreases a lot.

4. Even toned the skin

Snail mucin is very effective in the solution of pigmentation, uneven skin tone. It has skin regenerative properties.

5. Prevents acne

This mucin also has anti-microbial properties that are helpful in preventing acne breakouts. It reduces inflammation and has a soothing effect on the skin.


Does ‘snail mucin’ react with any other ingredients?

This ingredient does not usually react with any other active ingredients. Snail Mucin can easily be used in the same routine as Vitamin C, Retinol, AHA, BHA.


Is ‘snail mucin’ suitable for all skin types?

It suits dry and combination skin very well. It is also pregnancy safe. You can use it on any type of skin, sensitive, acne prone, dehydrated. But don’t forget to patch tests before applying. Because it gives a glowing, soothing effect on the skin but does not provide a quick fix solution to any core problem as a single product. After doing the patch test if it suits you, you will definitely see positive changes in the skin.


Should I use it during the day or at night?

Snail Mucin can be used anytime day or night! Since snail mucin mainly acts as a damage repair and moisture restorer, it is best used in nighttime skincare.


Last word

Now we know why snail mucin is so popular in the skincare trend! Whether Ultimate Snail Mucin will be beneficial for you depends on your skin condition and how you use it. However, to get a soothing effect on the skin, you can try a product containing snail mucin for skin barrier repair and anti-aging purposes.


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