Is your skin extra dry? In medical terms, it is called Xerosis Cutis. Its symptoms are rough skin, patches of white spots on the skin, itching, etc. Since it is a very common skin problem, most people have faced these dry skin problems on any part of the body at some point in their life. This dryness of the skin does not decrease even after using regular moisturizer!

Whenever your skin feels dry or tight, you quickly apply your favorite moisturizer. Then the problem is solved, right? This is supposed to happen! But many times it doesn’t work, and the skin becomes dry and cracked, rough, itchy, and sometimes it gets serious! Want to know why your moisturizer isn’t working properly? Why does this problem occur even after using moisturizer regularly? Today i will find answers to those questions.

Why is the skin becoming excessively dry? Even after using a regular moisturizer, why is the dryness of the skin not reducing? Which factors are responsible for this? Let’s find out now.

1. Inadequate exfoliation

If you don’t exfoliate for a long time or don’t do enough exfoliation, dead cells accumulate in the top layer of the skin, and the skin texture becomes flaky, which can cause other problems later. Proper exfoliation removes this flakiness of the skin and makes the skin texture smooth. Moisturizers also get a chance to penetrate deep into the skin. It keeps the skin fresh and vibrant.

2. Over washing

Our skin contains some molecules that preserve the skin’s natural oils and act as a moisture barrier for the skin. If the hands, face, feet, or other parts of the body are washed excessively, that natural oil is removed, so dryness occurs in those parts of the skin very naturally. In this case, keep some things in mind:

  • Try using soaps, body washes, or shower gels that are free of artificial colors and harsh chemicals.
  • For cleansing your face, choose a mild cleanser according to skin type and concern.
  • After washing your face, wipe with a soft cloth or towel.

3. Dehydration

The upper layer of our skin contains 15-20% water. When we don’t drink enough water or maintain a balanced diet, the amount of water in this layer decreases. As a result, the skin becomes dehydrated, loses its own elasticity, and slowly starts to dry out. Deficiency of some essential vitamins can also cause this problem. For example, if there is a deficiency of vitamin A, vitamin D, zinc, and iron, the skin becomes dry.

4. Making mistakes in regular moisturizer selection

Skincare products that contain parabens, isopropyl alcohol, benzyl alcohol, sulfates, and artificial fragrances tend to over-dry the skin. So if your skin type is dry, try to avoid these ingredients. We know that salicylic acid works very well for oily skin. But this ingredient does not suit dry skin at all; rather, it makes the skin drier. So be careful while selecting the product.

5. Not selecting moisturizer according to the weather

We often don’t finish the moisturizer we bought during the winter season, and a lot of it remains. As the date has not expired, many of us use it next year as well. Remember! By doing so, the effectiveness of the product is greatly reduced. Again, gel-based light moisturizer used during summer is often continued to be used during winter as well. It does not fulfill the skin’s moisturizing demands according to the weather. So choose the right product according to the weather and your needs.

6. Not selecting products according to skin type

Products should be used according to skin type. Moisturizers that are suitable for oily or normal skin cannot fully care for rough and dry skin. This is because products that target dry and dehydrated skin have nourishing and deep moisturizing properties. So it’s natural that you won’t get that benefit from products formulated for oily skin.

7. Side effects of medical treatment

The skin can become rough and dry as a side effect of certain medicines and treatments. For example, retinoids, benzoyl peroxide, diuretics, hormonal birth control pills, steroids, cholesterol-lowering drugs, chemo and radiation therapy for cancer treatment.

8. Due to some skin-related problems

Even after using regular moisturizer, the dryness of many people’s skin does not decrease at all. Some skin conditions cause dry patches in all seasons. For example, eczema, allergies, psoriasis, scabies, fungal infections, etc. In this case, treatment should be taken under an experienced dermatologist.

9. Long time in AC

Cold air has less moisture content, and prolonged exposure to cold weather quickly draws moisture from the skin and dries it out. Those who stay in AC all the time or sleep in an AC room at night must use cream-based moisturizer.

10. Medical condition

Dryness can appear on our skin if we have some physical issues or problems. For example, thyroid disorders, diabetes, renal problems, and HIV. In addition, hormonal changes, such as pregnancy or menopause, can also cause such skin problems.

11. Genetic reasons

Genetically, some people may have this skin condition, which causes their skin to dry out very quickly. Naturally, some people have extremely dry skin on their hands and feet. It turns out they have it in their family history too.

12. If the age increases

As the body’s sweat glands and oil glands decrease with age, the tendency of the skin to become dry naturally increases. Suddenly dry skin means that your skin is starting to show signs of aging! So you need to focus on an anti-aging skincare routine. Moisturizers formulated for mature skin will give you proper nourishment and moisturization. For this, you can use a sleeping mask or night cream at night. It will make the skin soft and hydrated.

Even after using a regular moisturizer, why does the dryness of the skin not decrease? You must have understood that by now. Hopefully, if you can identify the reasons, you can find the solution yourself. I hope today’s article will be very useful for you. However, if your skin is excessively dry, see which of the above factors apply to you, and then take action accordingly to hopefully cover your over-dry skin problem on your own. So take care of your skin! Stay well! Stay beautiful!

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