When winter comes, our skin starts to suffer. Along with the fading nature of the outside, our skin also becomes lifeless. The first impression of the harshness of winter is on our skin. At this time, the skin may crack, develop rashes, acne, and other problems. Therefore, it’s crucial to ensure that our skin receives proper moisturization. Hence, some extra care is needed during this time. However, if this care can be done with various materials spread in nature, then it is much better. So let’s delve into which ingredients play an important role in winter skincare.


1. Coconut Oil

There is nothing new to say about coconut oil. You can use this coconut oil for the parts of the body that are rough. Apart from this, coconut oil works great to restore the glow to the skin that has lost its luster in winter. To achieve this, apply coconut oil on the face. Soak a cotton handkerchief in warm water and squeeze it. Place the handkerchief over the face. After 10 minutes, wash your face and apply rose water. It works to brighten all skin types.

In addition to the face and body skin, ankles, knees, and elbows also need special care, especially in winter. Otherwise, these areas become rough and dark. Coconut oil can also be used for their care. For this, the skin should be washed well first. Then apply the oil gently to those areas. But it is better to do this at night.


2. Honey

Honey is essential for cosmetic work. Honey has antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. Honey can be used at all times. However, its use increases in winter. Honey instantly removes dryness from the skin and works like a miracle for any skin problem.

How to use:

Mix some banana paste with honey and apply it to the skin. When dry, wash off with warm water. It will help brighten your skin.
Mix one spoon of honey with two spoons of milk powder and a pinch of turmeric. Then apply it to your face. Wash it off after 15 minutes.
Take two tomatoes, extract their juice, and mix it with honey. Apply it to the skin and wait 15 minutes. When dry, wash off with warm water. It will increase the moisture of the skin as well as make it look brighter.
Mix lemon juice with honey and apply it to your face like a face pack. Then wash with lukewarm water.
Also, honey can be safely used with any other face pack or natural ingredients.


3. Sour Cream

Yoghurt increases skin radiance. Sour yoghurt works to brighten all skin types. The usage process is also very simple.

How to use:

Mix half a cup of yoghurt with three spoons of honey and three spoons of sugar. Then massage this paste well on the face. Wait for a while and wash your face with cold water.
Mix a few drops of rose water in yoghurt. Wash your face with water before using the mixture. Then leave the mixture on the face for 15 to 20 minutes and wash it off. With regular use in winter, you will get back the glow of the skin.


4. Ripe Banana

Ripe banana works great to make the skin smooth and glowing, whether it’s winter or hot. Mix gram flour and milk with banana and apply it on the face, neck, hands, and feet. Wash after 20 to 25 minutes and apply moisturizer. As a result of its regular use, the skin will get the necessary moisture and become soft and supple.


5. Olive Oil

Olive oil is very beneficial for all skin types. Its use removes dead skin cells. Olive oil can also be used as a skin moisturizer from feet to neck.

How to use:

Mix honey and sugar with 3 spoons of olive oil to make a thick cream-like pack. This mixture works like a scrub on the skin.
Mix honey properly with a few drops of olive oil. Then apply it to the lips for 10 minutes and wash it off with lukewarm water. This will make your lips smooth and prevent chapped lips.


6. Apple Cider Vinegar

Take half a spoon of apple cider vinegar. Make a paste by mixing half a spoon of water, half a spoon of honey, two spoons of rose water, and a few drops of olive oil. Rub the paste well on elbows, knees, hands, and feet for 10 minutes. Then wash off.


7. Oranges

Vitamin C present in oranges prevents skin wrinkles. A mixture of orange peel, milk juice, and gram flour works very well for the skin. It has long been used as a skin tonic. As many oranges as you eat this winter, don’t peel them. Sun-dry and collect and store. Later, the powder can be used for the skin with any natural ingredients. It is very useful.


8. Oatmeal

Mix three spoons of oatmeal, 1 spoon of honey, and a little less than half a cup of milk to make a pack and apply it on your mouth. Leave it for 10 minutes and then wash it off with cold water.


9. Carrot

In winter, our skin loses its softness. Carrots come in handy at this time. Carrot paste restores skin softness. Its usage is also very simple. First, make a paste of young carrots. Then mix some sandalwood in it. Apply the mixture to the skin for up to 10 minutes. When the time is up, wash off with lukewarm water. Regular use of this mixture will restore the softness of your skin even in winters.


10. Rose Water and Glycerin

Rose water and glycerin play a significant role in skin care during winter. Applying these two together on the skin makes it beautiful and smooth. Glycerin works quickly on any skin type and keeps it soft and vibrant, eliminating various skin problems. This mixture of rose water and glycerin is best used at night before going to bed.

However, despite all this, the main thing is that if the body lacks moisture from the inside, it will affect your skin. So, it’s essential to drink enough water regularly. Drinking at least eight to ten glasses of water a day is a must. Additionally, you can also consume bottled water or fruit juice as an alternative to water.

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